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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Platinum - Investment doubles

Net physical demand for platinum investment products more than doubled in 2008, rising by 250% from 170,000 ounces in 2007 to 425,000 ounces.

The really significant swing came in Japan; in 2007 Japanese investors resold 60,000 ounces of large platinum bars and investors remained net sellers in the early part of 2008, but there followed a palpable change in sentiment as yen prices fell sharply and equity market values were unraveling. The final quarter was especially strong, leading to overall net purchases for the year of 275,000 ounces of platinum.

European investment was down from 195,000 ounces to 105,000 ounces, while North American investment activity is reported to have increased by 33% from 30,000 ounces to 40,000 ounces as North American investors cleared the US Mint of its stocks of Platinum Eagles despite volatile prices.

Chinese demand for investment products is recorded as zero (the preference being for jewellery products while investment products are gold).

The 6% contraction in jewellery demand was driven by the Japanese market. Japanese jewellery demand is recorded for 2007 at 540,000 ounces gross, but 180,000 ounces net as a result of 360,000 ounces of recycling. In 2008, recycling jumped to 480,000 ounces and although gross purchases are recorded at just 5,000 ounces fewer than in 2007 at 535,000 ounces the impact on net demand was clearly substantial, taking it down by 125,000 ounces to just 55,000 ounces. Japan was the only region that reported increased scrap return. Much of this was concentrated in the first part of the year, and towards year-end those retailers who reduced prices saw a sharp rebound in demand with consumer purchases recovering towards 2007 levels.

Chinese scrap fell from 290,000 to 210,000 ounces over the year, so that Chinese net purchases for jewellery increased by 100,000 ounces in 2008 to 850,000 ounces or 62% of global net jewellery demand. High prices in the first half of the year saw manufacturers and retailers reduce their stocks and in the first half of the year, gross purchases were below 2007 levels while scrap return was high. The second half of the year saw the position reverse with secondary flows diminishing sharply and manufactures increased their purchases from August onwards.

Overall gross European demand remained constant at 200,000 ounces in each year, but high and volatile prices in the first half of the year impinged on jewellery sales and UK demand declined, while Switzerland became the largest European market with production of platinum watches in that country increasing by almost 14%.

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